Iselin Volunteer Fire Company #1 - District 9

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1922 Clinton Chemical Truck. The truck served until 1936. The bell, shown mounted mid-ship, is used by the Fire Company for memorial services to this day.

Ladder 9-2-4 was a 1964 American France 100' aerial. It was refurbished in 1986, with the original 75' aerial  replaced with a 100' aerial, and the color changed from red to yellow. 9-2-4 served until 1999.

Engine 9-5 was a 1974 American LaFrance 1000 Series 1500 GPM pumper. She was the first apparatus delivered in yellow livery. This photo shows the original paint and emergency lighting scheme. This engine served until replaced by the 1997 Sutphen.

Engine 9-5 with new paint scheme, reflective striping, and new emergency lights.

Engine 9-2 was a 1978 American LaFrance Century Series 1500 GPM pumper. It was originally delivered in a solid yellow color.

Engine 9-2 was repainted with a white roof and had reflective striping applied in 1986. It was retired in 1997, being replaced by the 1997 Sutphen.

In 1984, a used 1982 Chevy van was purchased from Sieman's Corporation and outfitted by TASC with three 6000 PSI compressed air storage bottles. 9-3-7 was placed in service as an air cascade unit and served until replaced by the 1991 International/Saulsbury air truck. 

A Dodge Diplomat sedan was purchased and assigned to the Fire Marshal. It was later reassigned to the Deputy Chief before being retired in 1990.

This Chevy Suburban was assigned first to the Chief, then later the Deputy Chief before being retired in 1992.

Engine 9-6 was a 1984 American LaFrance Century Series 1500 GPM pumper. This photo shows the original configuration with open jumpseats.

In 1991, Engine 9-6 returned to the American LaFrance factory where a modern, six man enclosed cab, enhanced emergency lights, and other safety features were retrofitted. 9-6 remained in active service until 2008, being replaced by the 2007 Seagrave.

9-3-1 was a 1998 Ford Expedition command vehicle assigned to the Chief. It was retired in October 2012.

9-3-2 was a 1998 Ford Expedition command vehicle assigned to the Deputy Chief. It was retired in October 2012.

Engine 9-2 was a 1997 Sutphen 2000 GPM pumper with a 500 gallon water tank. It was removed from service in August 2015, and donated to the Almeria Volunteer Fire Department in Troy, Alabama. 9-2 was replaced with the 2015 Seagrave.


Engine 9-5 was a 1997 Sutphen 2000 GPM pumper with a 500 gallon tank. It was removed from service in February 2018, and sold to a fire truck reseller. 9-5 was replaced with the 2017 Seagrave.


9-3-1 was a 2012 Chevy Tahoe which was retired 2024.

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Firehouse Solutions
Iselin Volunteer Fire Company #1
1222 Green Street
Iselin, NJ 08830

Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 732-283-0308
Station Fax: 732-283-4378
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